(A H.P.State Government Undertaking)

Honarable Chief Minister
NOTICE:- Current waiting panels of ex-servicemen JCOs and OR uploaded on this Corporation Website will be valid w.e.f. 01 Jan 2025 to 31 Dec 2025 and supersedes all previous waiting panels for these categories.
Trucks Upto Sr. No. 1585 has been attached from the waiting list till January, 2025.

हिमाचल प्रदेश पूर्व सैनिक निगम, हमीरपुर में Security Services में पंजीकरण के सम्बन्ध में अपना सही विवरण अपडेट/सम्पादित करें, आप की लॉग इन आईडी आपका आर्मी नंबर है और पासवर्ड 12345 है, लिंक के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें

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The HP Ex-Servicemen Corporation has been established in the year 1979 by the Himachal Pradesh Government vide H.P. Ex-Servicemen Corporation Act,1979 (As Amended vide Amendment and Validation Act,1984). The Corporation started its working in the year 1981. The main aim of the Corporation is to provide for the welfare and economic upliftment of the Ex-servicemen of the State. The Corporation is providing loan under self-employment schemes through the Nationalized banks. swiss replica watches The loanee has to arrange 75% of loan amount through the bank and 10% is provided by the Corporation as Margin Money loan @ 7% interest up to the maximum limit of Rs. 1,00,000/-. The remaining 15% amount is to be spent by the loanee himself. The Corporation is also providing 2.5% Interest Subsidy on the bank loan.

The Corporation has entered into an agreement with the ACC, Ltd. Barmana to lift 40% Cement of their total production to different destinations in Northern India. The Corporation has been allotted 7.5% quota for the lifting of Clinker/Cement from Ambuja Cement Ltd. Darlaghat. The Corporation has also been allotted 5% quota for the lifting of Clinker/Cement from J.P.Cement Plant Baga, Dsitt. Solan.

To rehabilitate the unemployed Ex-servicemen of the State, the Corporation has started a Security Agency as per the guidelines of the DGR. In the year 1996, the HP Government has authorized this Corporation to deploy Ex-servicemen for Security duties on outsource basis and has been declared as Nodal Agency to sponsor the names of Ex-servicemen to various Departments, Boards, Institutions, Central/State Govt. PSUs etc.


The aim of the Corporation is to provide welfare and economic uplift of the Ex-servicemen of the state of H.P. and to plan, promote and undertake, on its own or in collaboration with or through such Ex-servicemen organisations or other agencies as may be approved by the Corporation, programmes of agricultural development, marketing, processing, supply and storage of agricultural produce, small scale industry, building construction, transport and such other business, trade or activity as may be approved in this behalf by the Government.


Loan to Ex-Servicemen for Self Employment

The Corporation is providing loan to the Ex-Servicemen for self employment through the Nationalized banks. The loanee has to arrange 75% of loan amount through the bank and 10% is provided by the Corporation as Margin Money loan @ 7% interest up to the maximum limit of Rs. 1,00,000/-. The remaining 15% amount is to be spent by the loanee himself. The Corporation is also providing 2.5% Interest Subsidy on the bank loan.

Cement/Clinker Lifting Work

The Corporation has entered into an agreement with the ACC Ltd. Barmana to lift 40% Cement of their total production to different destinations in Northern India. For this work the trucks of Ex-servicemen of the State have been deployed. The Corporation has been allotted 7.5% quota for lifting of Clinker/Cement from Ambuja Cement Ltd. Darlaghat. The Corporation has also been allotted 5% quota for lifting of Clinker/Cement from Ultratech Cement Plant Baga, District Solan. The Ex-servicemen or their widows can apply in the month of January every year at Corporation’s Headquarter at Hamirpur for inclusion of their names in the waiting list for attachment of their trucks.

Providing of Security Services on Outsource basis

To rehabilitate the Ex-servicemen of the State, the Corporation is providing Security Services on outsource basis as per the guidelines of the DGR. The Corporation has been authorized/declared by the HP Government in the year 1996 as a Nodal/Sponsoring agency to deploy the Ex-servicemen for Security duties on outsource basis to various Departments, Boards, Institutions, Central/State Govt. PSUs. The Corporation conduct recruitment of Ex-Servicemen twice in a month on dated 15 and 25 of every month at Corporation’s Headquarter at Hamirpur. In case Sunday/Holiday falls on these dates, then the recruitment will be held on the next working day. The Interested Ex-servicemen who want to appear in the recruitment are required to bring the original documents i.e. Discharge Book, Passbook of saving bank account, Aadhaar Card and four passport size photographs and a set of photocopies of all the above said documents.

Providing of SSB coaching to the wards of Ex-servicemen and Serving Soldiers

The Corporation is providing SSB coaching to the wards of Ex-servicemen and serving soldiers through the authorized agency. The coaching is being given for NDA,IMA,OTA,ACC,SL,TGC,10+2(Tech) Cadet Entry or Women Service Entry. The coaching is provided to those candidates who have qualified written examination and are waiting for SSB interview call. The coaching fee is paid by the Corporation to the agency.

Crash course for Entrance Test of JEE (Main)/Engineering and NEET/Medical course for the wards of Ex-servicemen

The Corporation is providing free crash course through the authorized agency for the wards of Ex-servicemen (From the Rank of Sepoy to Havildar) for entering in JEE(Main)/Engineering and NEET/Medical. Under this scheme the crash course fee of the candidates is being paid by the Corporation to the agency.

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